Live Webinar: The State of the Memphis Single-Family Home Investor Market

Increasingly, we have been getting inquiries about what is happening in the Memphis real estate market and what the outlook is for investing there. Here are our top four current observations:
Why Investing in Single-Family Homes Has the Most Advantages

Why investing in single-family homes versus investing in a real estate investment trust or some other real estate related vehicle is a better option?
Characteristics of Millennials and Centennials Impacting the Real Estate Market

What are the characteristics as far as millennials and centennials – how are they impacting the real estate market? Like, what’s the trend that they are setting?
The Real Estate Market Slowed. Should Investors Be Concerned?

Is there anything that an investor should be concerned about with the real estate market’s slowing down over this past month?
A Turnkey Solution for Real Estate Investors from Meridian Pacific Properties

Meridian provides new and experienced investors with a turnkey solution to purchase and profit from residential real estate rental properties. In this video Kevin Conlon, Principal and Co-Founder or Meridian Pacific Properties, explains how they are able to generate immediate cash flow and long term appreciation from their build-to-rent properties.
Which Real Estate Investment is Best for You? And Why Meridian Can Guide You There

What kind of questions would you ask a potential investor if they were to determine whether a REIT or a purchasing real estate would be a better option for them? I always like to ask an investor to be clear on what your objectives are.
The Spirit of What We Do

The whole spirit behind what we’re trying to do is we wanted to solve a problem for people. I mean, 95% of Americans only invest in traditional investments, stocks, bonds, mutual funds, you know, cash instruments, and so on. Only 5% invest in alternative investments. And that includes real estate.
How National Home Sales Adjust the Real Estate Market

New home sales nationally are down 9.4% in July, which happens to be a seven-month flow. What does this mean, if anything for the real estate market?
Creating an Income Statement for an Investment Property

This video on how to create an income statement to aid in analyzing the financial performance of an investment property. Creating an accurate profit and loss statement for an income property is a critical step in the due diligence process of analyzing any investment property.
Internal Rate of Return - Defined

The internal rate of return or IRR is an important calculation used frequently in real estate investing to determine if the investment is worthwhile.