Rental Trends in Memphis with Jeff King

Memphis has long been a good market for investing in single-family rentals. The area has had landlord-friendly laws, low maintenance costs and a consistently high number of renters;

A Turnkey Solution for Real Estate Investors from Meridian Pacific Properties

Meridian provides new and experienced investors with a turnkey solution to purchase and profit from residential real estate rental properties. In this video Kevin Conlon, Principal and Co-Founder or Meridian Pacific Properties, explains how they are able to generate immediate cash flow and long term appreciation from their build-to-rent properties.

The King of Memphis Real Estate Investors

Jeff King struck gold in Memphis. The former U.S. Marine is stylish and well-dressed, with dark hair and a soul patch, and he comes across as suave, confident and likable. The California King is also one of Memphis’ newest

4 Tax Benefits of a 1031 Real Estate Exchange

There are significant tax benefits when you take advantage of a like kind exchange using a 1031 tax­ deferred real estate exchange. Find out how to use replacement properties and turnkey investment properties for your 1031 exchange

History of the 1031 Exchange Program

What is a 1031 Exchange? A 1031 exchange is a tax strategy under Section 1031 of the internal revenue code. You can do a like kind exchange for 1031 exchange properties, investment properties or replacement properties.

Live Webinar - The Memphis SFH Investor Market mid Covid-19

Meridian will be hosting virtual events in the upcoming weeks. Join us for an Investor Round Table Discussion – a Live Webinar with the founders of Meridian to explore important and current topics and answer any questions.  Register here Roundtable Discussion – Meridian & Investors DATE: Thursday, April 16, 2020 TIME: 10:00 AM – 11:00 […]

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