Live Webinar: The State of the Memphis Single-Family Home Investor Market

Increasingly, we have been getting inquiries about what is happening in the Memphis real estate market and what the outlook is for investing there. Here are our top four current observations:
Why Investing in Single-Family Homes Has the Most Advantages

Why investing in single-family homes versus investing in a real estate investment trust or some other real estate related vehicle is a better option?
Rental Trends in Memphis with Jeff King

Memphis has long been a good market for investing in single-family rentals. The area has had landlord-friendly laws, low maintenance costs and a consistently high number of renters;
Characteristics of Millennials and Centennials Impacting the Real Estate Market

What are the characteristics as far as millennials and centennials – how are they impacting the real estate market? Like, what’s the trend that they are setting?
The Real Estate Market Slowed. Should Investors Be Concerned?

Is there anything that an investor should be concerned about with the real estate market’s slowing down over this past month?
A Turnkey Solution for Real Estate Investors from Meridian Pacific Properties

Meridian provides new and experienced investors with a turnkey solution to purchase and profit from residential real estate rental properties. In this video Kevin Conlon, Principal and Co-Founder or Meridian Pacific Properties, explains how they are able to generate immediate cash flow and long term appreciation from their build-to-rent properties.
The King of Memphis Real Estate Investors

Jeff King struck gold in Memphis. The former U.S. Marine is stylish and well-dressed, with dark hair and a soul patch, and he comes across as suave, confident and likable. The California King is also one of Memphis’ newest
4 Tax Benefits of a 1031 Real Estate Exchange

There are significant tax benefits when you take advantage of a like kind exchange using a 1031 tax deferred real estate exchange. Find out how to use replacement properties and turnkey investment properties for your 1031 exchange
History of the 1031 Exchange Program

What is a 1031 Exchange? A 1031 exchange is a tax strategy under Section 1031 of the internal revenue code. You can do a like kind exchange for 1031 exchange properties, investment properties or replacement properties.
Live Webinar - The Memphis SFH Investor Market mid Covid-19

Meridian will be hosting virtual events in the upcoming weeks. Join us for an Investor Round Table Discussion – a Live Webinar with the founders of Meridian to explore important and current topics and answer any questions. Register here Roundtable Discussion – Meridian & Investors DATE: Thursday, April 16, 2020 TIME: 10:00 AM – 11:00 […]