What is a Class-A Property Investment?

Meridian Pacific Properties, Inc. provides investors with a premium, turnkey real estate platform specializing in high yield, Class A investments for wealth building and retirement planning.
September Live Webinar: Memphis SFR Market and High-Yield Turnkey Residential Investments Properties

The Meridian Pacific Properties Leadership team give important updates about The State of the Memphis Single-Family Home Investor Market and provide information on High-Yield Residential Investment Properties.
Ingram's Place has Sold Out! New Nicole Place and Hedge Rose Inventory Available

Our investors were quick to buy our Ingram Inventory. We now have Class-A Inventory available in two new subdivisions. Both near the epicenters of new employment at companies like Google and Amazon
How to Decide if a 1031 Exchange is Right for You

A 1031 exchange is the act of making a likekind trade of two assets using certain IRS 1031 exchange rules. Under certain conditions
1031 Exchange Basics

When an investor sells investment real estate for a gain, capital gains tax is due in conjunction with the sale. A 1031 real estate exchange, sometimes known as a 1031x or a tax-deferred, like-kind exchange, offers investors the opportunity to defer payment of capital gains taxes on the turnkey investment property gains under certain conditions by exchanging, or purchasing, like-kind replacement properties.
4 Tax Benefits of a 1031 Real Estate Exchange

There are significant tax benefits when you take advantage of a like kind exchange using a 1031 tax deferred real estate exchange. Find out how to use replacement properties and turnkey investment properties for your 1031 exchange
History of the 1031 Exchange Program

What is a 1031 Exchange? A 1031 exchange is a tax strategy under Section 1031 of the internal revenue code. You can do a like kind exchange for 1031 exchange properties, investment properties or replacement properties.
5 Little Known Facts that Could Affect Your 1031 Tax Deferment

A 1031 tax deferred exchange involves trading two properties to defer taxes. The two properties do not necessarily have to be identical. Find turnkey investment properties and replacement properties for your 1031 like kind exchange.
A 7 Step Guide to Choosing Your 1031 Exchange Service

Real estate investors seeking to preserve the value of their assets, may find a 1031 exchange an excellent solution. With alike kind exchange you can find 1031 exchange properties, turnkey investment properties and replacement properties to defer taxes.
Do You Qualify for ‘Like Kind’ Property Exchange?

Bartering property by way of a Section 1031 like kind exchange could benefit you. Learn about 1031 exchange properties, turnkey investment properties and replacement properties.